September 27, 2023 / Sharon Cusack
Most Recent Free Health Resources
Personal Care
what you'll discover
Personal care refers to anything you do that's strictly for you. Personal in nature. This includes things like personal hygiene oral hygiene and body care, daily routines, and personal practices to balance your body mind & spirit.
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Women's Health

what you'll discover
Women's health issues. Topics cover the female pelvic organs, reproductive and postmenopausal stages as well as treatment of pelvic floor disorders.
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Body Nourishment

what you'll discover
Food provides the nutrients for great overall health. Here, you'll find well-balanced healthy recipes, and nutraceuticals to nourish the body.
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Body Restoration

what you'll discover
Restorative Body Work Deep tissue massage with more intense pressure in order to relieve chronic muscle tension.
This massage technique focuses on penetrating into the deepest parts of muscle tissue and tendons by using slow, deep strokes across the muscle grain using your elbow.
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Self Empowerment

what you'll discover
Self-empowerment means making a conscious decision to take charge of your destiny. It involves making positive choices, taking action to advance, and being confident in your ability to make and execute decisions.
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Before you heal someone, ask him if he's willing to give up the things that make him sick.